Full Site Evaluation with Security Camera Installation in Houston

Proper security camera installation in Houston should begin with a complete site evaluation. While you might already know what you want in a complete security system, you may have overlooked key areas of your business prone to theft that were missed. A detailed site analysis identifies multiple locations both inside your business and outside.

Part of the evaluation process is answering questions like:

  • Are delivery docks and outside entrance doors covered by cameras? If there are no cameras pointed in these directions, someone could potentially break into your business, and you would not have any way of trying to find out who broke in.
  • Are there any blind spots inside or outside the business where someone might be able to commit theft or vandalism? Blind spots make it possible to avoid detection by your installed security cameras. Even if you have cameras that show someone entering or leaving a specific area of your business, do you really know what they are doing while in this location?
  • How well do you trust your employees? If you experience high employee turnover, you do not always have time to get to know your employees as well as you would like. It is also easy to be fooled, and employees who you believe are the most trustworthy could easily be stealing from your business.

In addition to these questions, onsite evaluations for security camera installation in Houston takes into account your objectives and budget. Regardless of whether you already have an existing security system installed or not, it never hurts to get a second opinion to ensure your business is fully protected against theft.

What Businesses Need Security Camera Installation in Houston?

One primary business operation where security camera installation in Houston greatly helps reduce theft and losses is retail. Retail businesses not only have to deal with shoplifters, but also their own employees. According to the 2011 National Retail Security Survey, retailers lost $34.5 billion dollars from theft. While you might think shoplifting was the major contributor in the study findings, you would be wrong. Shoplifting theft was only around 36 percent of the total losses experienced by retail stores, compared to almost 44 percent of loss from employee theft. Further, an alarming 96 percent of all retailers included in the study experienced some form of theft in 2011.

You can protect your Houston business with the proper security camera system. Businesses which have a security system installed notice a decline in theft, losses, and vandalism to their stores by as much as 80 percent, compared to other businesses without a security system.

Houston retail operations are not the only ones that benefit from having a security camera system installed. Warehouses, manufacturing facilities, storage units, apartment complexes, homeowners’ association communities, schools, and more can protect their property, as well as people, from unwanted theft and vandalism. To schedule your free onsite security camera evaluation, call us today at 1-281-326-0790. A complete security solution is an investment into your business and gives you long-term peace of mind.


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brian greely

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