6 Ways to Deter Theft at Your Business

According to the National Retail Federation, theft accounts for over $60 billion in losses for American businesses. Small businesses aren’t immune to the problem either; 79% of businesses reported theft accounted for $500 to $2,500 in losses each month. The negative impact of theft on your bottom line cannot be understated. Use these methods to […]

6 Benefits of Surveillance and Security for Small Businesses

Surveillance and security are integral to your business’s success. Beyond the obvious — deterring theft and keeping your business secure — the right surveillance and security equipment can add several other benefits to your small business. Discover the advantages of security and surveillance and what it can do for your business beyond basic security measures. […]

How To Train Employees to Improve Your Business Security

Employees are often the weakest link in security. They can unintentionally compromise security measures or fall victim to both in-person and online criminal activity. However, a bit of training can create a proactive approach to protecting your business assets — including your employees themselves. If you haven’t put together a training plan to improve your […]

A Quick Checklist to Improve Your Business Security

If you’re a small business owner, you can’t afford to not secure your brick-and-mortar location and your online e-commerce website. According to a Zippia study, around 5% of yearly revenues evaporate due to theft or vandalism by employees, customers, and criminals. That’s a hefty amount, especially when your business is tackling inflation, higher wages, and […]

5 Ideas to Get a Start on Your Business Spring Cleaning

Whether you love it or hate it, spring cleaning is a necessary evil. It helps clear out the clutter and gets you organized for the busy season at most businesses. If you’ve never participated in spring cleaning at your business, it may seem like a tough road to climb, but it’s not insurmountable. Use these […]

Renew Your Commitment to Business Security and Surveillance in 2022

Business owners around the world have had a rough patch for the past two years. Between mandatory shutdowns and quarantines, a lack of disposable income for many individuals, and rising problems with inflation and supply chains, some business owners are holding on for dear life. But as a business owner, you can’t dwell on what’s […]

Common Questions and Answers About Business Security Camera Laws

Business security cameras are pivotal to keep your business, assets, employees, and customers safe. However, there are some gray areas regarding the legality and usage of business security cameras, especially to novice business owners. If you’re planning on installing security cameras at your business and you want to know what you can and can’t do, […]

Business Security Issues and How to Fix Them

Business security is a crucial part of any business — as important as marketing, operations, and accounting. To keep your assets, employees, and customers safe, you need to have a superior security and surveillance system in place. Through a comprehensive safety, security, and surveillance plan, you can do what you do best: run your business. […]

March Into Summer with a Well-Secured and Monitored Business

If you own a business, you’re well aware how slow the winter months are. But with the spring thaw comes a chance not only for increased revenue and profitability, but also a chance to plan for the rest of the year. While operations and staff are integral to your success, don’t forget security and surveillance. […]

Keep Your Business Secured While Slowing the Spread of Covid-19

The Covid-19 outbreak is hitting small businesses hard. Mandatory closures of businesses and shelter-in-place orders from the government, as well as mass panic and hysteria, have brought businesses to the cusp of financial ruin. While the CARES Act has brought forth $349 billion in small business loans to offset the crisis, some business owners have […]

Business Security Cameras: Tax and Insurance Incentives

Surveillance systems and security cameras are an integral part of any business. They protect your property, employees, and customers from any threats or hazards and provide a safety blanket that allows you to solve employee disputes or provide evidence to authorities. While these benefits are welcomed by any small business owner, security cameras also have […]

Proven Ways to Improve Security and Surveillance at Your Business

Starting and running a business is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. Yet without the proper security and surveillance, you can put your entire operation and your financial well-being at risk. The numbers are staggering. According to recent statistics, employee theft costs U.S. businesses $50 billion a year, while customer theft causes […]